About Hanneke

About Hanneke

I am Hanneke.

Probably you would like to know a little more about me.

Born and raised in Haarlem, I have lived for many years in southern Norway, where I enjoy peace and quiet. In addition to CI, I engage in acupuncture, meditation, gardening and beekeeping.

I have about 25 years of experience as an acupuncturist, specializing in Japanese acupuncture.

As an acupuncturist, I noticed that clients often returned with the same complaints. This was explained by a predominant emotion in the person, which had an effect on once energetic imbalance. Through CI, I understood this fixed pattern differently. Negative childhood experiences and trauma make can cause specific reactions to life events. That makes one vulnerable in a specific way.

Prior to starting acupuncture, I had an education in fine art. So not all my training is relevant to CI, but it did broaden my view.

I started with a creative therapy training at Jelburg in Baarn, which lasted for three years. Following this, I moved on to the sculpture department at the Art Academy in The Hague. As an artist, I organised several art projects on location. Alongside my artistic pursuits, I also worked in crisis childcare.

After experiencing an ectopic pregnancy and undergoing several IVF attempts, I decided to make a change in my life and studied acupuncture at Royal Leamington Spa in England for three years. Subsequently, I delved into Toyohari, a form of Japanese acupuncture.

In 2008, my husband and I decided to move to Norway. In 2008, my husband and I decided to move to Norway. I wanted to study psychology, but there was no faculty for that study direction in our part of the country. Therefore, I chose educational studies, considering my previous work experience. I obtained a master’s degree in it from the University of Agder. However, that wasn’t quite it for me. That’s why a few years later I took the Compassionate Inquiry training.

CI has been very beneficial to me, and I aspire to use it to help others.